Unigloss 60 Plus | Multigloss 268 Plus

MULTI GLOSS 268 Plus. UNI GLOSS 60Plus. Wide array of display modes. (in nine languages). You can measure by selecting Basic mode, Continuous, or Statistics. Compact, lightweight, and extremely portable. Highly user-friendly. Compliant with ISO, ASTM, DIN, and JIS International standards.


  • ◉ Compact, lightweight, and extremely portable.
  • ◉ Highly user-friendly.
  • ◉ Compliant with ISO, ASTM, DIN, and JIS International standards.
  • ◉ Maintains data compatibility with previous models while offering high-speed communication via USB and Bluetooth®while maintaining data compatibility with previous models


  • ◉ Plastic products, Automobile and Marine paint work, Porcelain products, R&D


  Uniglos 60 Plus MultiGloss 268 Plus
Measurement geometry  60° 20°, 60°, 85°
Size of measurement spot 60° : 9 × 15 mm 20° : 10 x 10 mm
60° : 9 x 15 mm
85° : 5 x 38 mm
Standard compliance ISO 2813, ISO 7668, ASTM D 523, ASTM D 2457, DIN 67 530, JIS Z 8741, BS 3900, BS 6161(Part 12)
Measurement range 60° : 0.0~1,000 GU 20° : 0.0~2,000 GU
60° : 0.0~1,000 GU
85° : 0.0~160 GU
Memory  999 measurements with date and time
Measurement time  0.5 seconds (each measurement)
Measurement mode  Normal mode (Sample mode, Statistics, Continuous, Basic mode), Difference mode
Interface  USB 2.0, Bluetooth standard version 2.0 RS 232C format